Do you have a collection of PDF articles saved on your computer that you would like to add to your EndNote library?
If you have a PDF file, that does not already have a reference in EndNote, you may import the PDF file(s) into EndNote. The full bibliographic record may also import into EndNote at the same time if it has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) attached to it. Please see image below for an example PDF with a DOI.
Note: This will not work with all PDFs, so check the references carefully for missing information. An article PDF must be machine readable with DOI & you must be connected to Internet.
To import a single PDF file
1. Click File > Import > File
2. Click on Choose and browse for the file
3. Choose PDF as the Import Option
4. Select the Duplicates handling option as needed
5. Click the Import Button.
To import a folder of PDFs
1. Click File > Import > Folder
2. Click on Choose and browse for the folder containing the PDFs
3. Choose PDF as the Import Option
4. Select the Duplicates handling option as needed
5. Click the Import Button.
If the PDF does not contain a DOI, EndNote will create a blank reference , containing only the filename of the PDF file in the Title field, and attach the PDF file to this blank reference.
Fill-in the blank reference by manually entering the information
1. Find the reference in a database
2. Import the full bibliographic reference into EndNote
3. Attach the PDF to the reference