Word and Excel are both part of the larger Microsoft package, so it's no surprise they play well together. Exce*l* is a great tool for gathering information in a database format, such as names, addresses and phone numbers. But if you want to work with that information in Word, you'll need to be able to merge Word and Excel documents, which can be done in a few simple steps.
You have a spreadsheet filled with names and addresses, perfect for a mailing list. But you'd spend hour_s c*opying and pasting the information from Excel to Word.*_ Fortunately, you can easily perform a mail merge from Excel to Word but first, you'll need to prepare your Excel document for the merge.
Advertisement Article continues below this adTo get started, first make sure all of your data to be merged is in the first sheet of your spreadsheet. You'll also need to set up your column names to match the names you'll put in your Word document. There should be a column for first name and a column for last name if you want to use both, for instance. Do one last review of all of the information to make sure it's up to date before you complete the merge.
Once your spreadsheet is ready, open a new document in Word. Click on the Mailings tab and select Start Mail Merge and decide whether you want to create labels, letters, envelopes, emails or a directory. Select. _Select Recipients-_Use an Existing List. You'll then find your Excel file. Select Open.
Advertisement Article continues below this adBefore you combine Word and Excel, the system will give you the opportunity to edit your recipients. Here you can go through your list and select anyone you don't want to include. You'll also be prompted to insert it as an address block if, for instance, you're creating a letter or envelope. You can then save the document.
One of the biggest advantages to having the full Microsoft Office suite is that you can easily copy from one document to another. For instance, say you've created a lovely pie chart in Excel that you want to include in the brochure you're designing. Just click on that chart and either Edit-Copy or use the Control-Copy keystroke combination to move it over. Command-Copy is the keystroke combination if you're on a Mac OS device.
Instead of a mail merge from Excel to Word, if you want to copy data from Excel to Word or another Office application, you'll do the same thing, but you'll probably need to make some formatting changes. You can copy the data in exactly as it's formatted, update the content to match the layout of your Word document, keep the data linked to the original spreadsheet, paste the data in as a picture or paste the data in as tab-separated text.
Advertisement Article continues below this adIn some instances, you may want to go in the opposite direction. Instead of a mail merge from Excel to Word, for instance, you may simply want to embed an Excel spreadshee_t into a Word document._ This could be as part of some type of proposal, like a business plan or grant request. If you use actual data, it can be a great way to supplement your copy with the exact figures to go with what you're discussing.
To copy an Excel spreadsheet into a Microsoft Word document, you'll make your copies in the source document and paste into your Word document, the destination. You'll have five options as you paste:
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If you decide to "link data" when you merge Word and Excel documents this way, you may not always find that those updates are immediate. If you don't see an update to your Excel spreadsheet in your Word document, simply select Chart Tools-Design-Refresh Data to get the most updated version.
There are instances where your choice to combine Word and Excel goes in the other direction – you want to save your Word document as an Excel document. Sure, you can manually move the data over, but that can be time-consuming. There's an easier way.
Once you have the desired Word document open, select File-Save As and browse to the location where you want the document saved. Beneath the folder option, you'll see another drop-down box labeled File Format. Select Plain Text.
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Now that you've saved the Word document, you can open your Excel spreadsheet and pull the information in. In your Excel document, select Data-From Text. In some versions, you may see this as Data-Get Internal Data-Import Text File. From here, you can browse to the Excel document you saved and pull it in. When prompted, you'll need to select Delimited and Space for the delimiter.
Although it can be handy to combine Word and Excel, you may not realize you can merge two Excel files. One way to do this is to copy the worksheets in the source document by clicking on the tabs at the bottom, right-clicking and selecting Copy. Under To Book, select the target workbook where you want the worksheets to land, select where you'd like it placed in reference to the existing sheets and make sure Create a Copy is checked if you want the original to remain in the source workbook.
Although this method is effective with one worksheet, if you have numerous files you need combined into one, it could get cumbersome. If you're comfortable with creating macros, you can write one that will merge all the files into one. You can find sample macros for this online that you can copy and paste.
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A mail merge from Excel to Word isn't the only way you can pull data from another document into Word. The software has a feature that will allow you to merge multiple files into one. The main purpose of this is to compare various versions against each other. So, if your colleagues have made changes to a document, this feature lets you easily compare them side by side to see what's changed.
To merge two documents, select Review-Compare-Combine. You'll be prompted to select the files you want to bring together. You'll be prompted to Label Unmarked Changes With, which lets you input the name of the person who made the changes to the revised document. Select to show changes in a new document, click OK and you'll get your new document.
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